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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

What we can do.

I've just finished listening to NPR's "To The Point" whose topic was on the Tsunami disaster in Asia. My God.
59,000 people so far.
And that's without accounting for the tens of thousands missing or the possibly resulting aftermath of widespread diseases such as malaria. I don't know how many people actually read me periodically blathering on in this blog, but if anyone's reading this now please leave my blog immediately and go to this site to find out the best way to help. It has a list of links for a multitude of relief efforts. Apparently, the going message is that money is needed most. It's flexibility is much more effective in the effort of purchasing needed materials locally, thus, more readily utilized. Items such as blankets, clothing and food are much harder get to those who need it right now, so those kinds of donations are discouraged as opposed to basic cold hard cash. I've already thrown some money at the problem, myself. I understand that my life will basically go on without it. And that many of theirs will not. Why are you still here? Shoo, shoo, already. We can help. And bonus: we don't even need to start a war to do it. Thank you.


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